The story of


At Techorations, our story is all about bringing together the best of technology and aesthetics, making it accessible to everyone without breaking the bank. We're passionate about RGB decorating and believe that vibrant lighting not only enhances your environment but also uplifts your mood. Our mission is to make technology an integral part of everyone's lifestyle, bridging the gap between functionality and affordability, because we believe that the future belongs to those who embrace innovation. Join us in creating a brighter, more colorful world with Techorations!


Techorations' Ceo

Meet Sebastian Kamal, the visionary CEO behind our tech-savvy brand. Sebastian's passion for technology ignited at a young age, fueled by his admiration for content creators like MKBHD, Mr Mobile, and UrAvgConsumer. Growing up, he immersed himself in the world of tech, staying up to date with the latest trends and knowing the specs of every gadget that hit the market. Today, his love for innovation and dedication to delivering cutting-edge tech at affordable prices drives Techorations forward, making technology accessible to all.

Bettering the World

Profit Plan

At Techorations, our vision goes beyond providing innovative tech products to our customers. We care about providing back to the community, which is why we are committed to using the majority of our profits to support groundbreaking research that has the potential to transform human health and longevity. Additionally, we will also be seeking to hire associates in the future when we have enough of a business requirement to do so, and we will be making sure that employees take enough home at the end of the day to support themselves as well as their families.

Below you find more of a detailed breakdown as to what our Profit Plan at Techorations entails for the future.

Supporting Dr. David Sinclair’s Research

Objective: The primary focus of our profit plan is to fund the research of Dr. David Sinclair, a renowned age research specialist at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Sinclair's work centers on understanding and preventing the aging process, which is a significant factor in the development of fatal diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Why Aging Research?

  • Reducing Disease Risk: Aging is the primary risk factor for many life-threatening diseases. By slowing down or potentially halting the aging process, we can significantly reduce the incidence of these diseases.
  • Extended Healthspan: Advancements in aging research could lead to a longer healthspan, allowing individuals to live healthier, more active lives for a longer period.
  • More Time with Loved Ones: Slowing the aging process means more quality time with family and friends, enhancing the overall quality of life.
  • Advancing Medical Science: Supporting this research not only aims at longevity but also accelerates the discovery of treatments and cures for various age-related diseases.

Allocation of Profits:

  • Majority Funding: A substantial portion of our profits will be allocated to support Dr. Sinclair’s pioneering research. This includes funding lab work, clinical trials, and the development of new therapies aimed at delaying or reversing aging.
  • Continuous Support: We are committed to ongoing support, ensuring that this research receives sustained funding to achieve its long-term goals. At Techorations, we vow that once we get up on our feet as a functioning business, this will be the goal to maintain for the foreseeable future.

Impact On Society

  • Potential to Live "Forever": While it may sound ambitious, the goal is to significantly extend human lifespan. By addressing the root causes of aging, we move closer to a future where living indefinitely becomes a possibility.
  • Buy Time for Disease Cure: Slowing down aging gives medical researchers more time to find cures for currently incurable diseases. This means that even as we work towards curing diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s, we can maintain better health for longer periods.
  • Societal Benefits: Longer, healthier lives have profound implications for society, from reducing healthcare costs to enhancing productivity and well-being.

Supporting Community and Economic Growth

Creating Wage-Appropriate Jobs:

  • Economic Stability: In addition to funding research, we are dedicated to supporting our community, including our families, by creating more wage-appropriate jobs. This initiative aims to provide people with the opportunity to live comfortably and achieve a sense of financial freedom.
  • Community Support: By fostering job creation and supporting the local economy, we contribute to the overall stability and growth of our community.
  • Financial Freedom: Our goal is to help individuals within our community obtain financial stability and freedom, allowing them to live more comfortably and with less economic stress.

Call to Action

By choosing Techorations, you are not just buying a product; you are contributing to a cause that has the potential to revolutionize human health and longevity. Additionally, you are supporting a business committed to enhancing the well-being of its community through job creation and economic support. Together, we can support the quest for extended healthspan, economic stability, and the eventual eradication of age-related diseases.

Join us in this transformative journey and be a part of the future where longer, healthier lives and a thriving community are within reach for everyone.


Join the movement

Step into the world of Techorations, where we celebrate the techorating lifestyle. Our passion lies in integrating vibrant RGB lighting into your everyday spaces, transforming home and work environments into comforting, mesmerizing realms. Join us on a journey of innovation and ambiance, where technology meets design to create unforgettable experiences.

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